Thursday, June 30, 2011

Schoolwork looks better on fabric

If you've been visiting here for a while you may remember that last year I obtained permission to take photos of Aaron's class at school, for a new quilt. The quilt is (finally) designed and drawn up. And this week an eagerly awaited fabric shipment arrived.Yes, that is school work printed onto fabric (digitally, thanks to Spoonflower).I love how it looks. I think I could make a hobby of getting stuff printed onto fabric... (if it weren't for that little obstacle called 'budget', that is).Now to cut out that quilt... (it's a big one!)


Bec R said...

That looks awesome! I have been dying to try Spoonflower - you may have just convinced me!

ljbyl said...

looking forward to the finished product...

Leanne said...

wackydo! always something new! :) what a way to 'save' the kids schoolwork...

nutty natty said...

love the idea, another website for me to try out, thanks